Source code download

Interface address:{key}

Return format: UTF-8/JSON

Request method: GET

Consume points: 1

Parameter description:

Name Type Required Remark
word string No Search terms (leave blank to get the latest)
p string No Page number
key string Yes User Key

Return parameter description:

Name Type Remark
code Int Response status, 200 is normal
data String Base64 encoded response content, including title and pid
page Int Current page number
allpage Int All page number

Interface address:{key}

Return format: UTF-8/JSON

Request method: GET

Consume points: 3

Parameter description:

Name Type Required Remark
pid String Yes Picture id
key String Yes User Key

Return parameter description:

Name Type Remark
code Int Response status, 200 is normal
data String Base64 encoded response content
title String Title